
Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Fouke Monster

The forests, sparsely populated regions and the Ozark Hills of Arkansas have long made for many mysteries and the strange creatures of the state are no exception. There have been a number of anomalous creatures who have appeared throughout the state over the years.

The "Fouke Monster" - or "Boggy Creek Monster" as it is sometimes referred to - is a Sasquatch-like creature said to haunt the network of creeks extending from the Sulphur River Bottoms in southern Arkansas to the small town of Fouke.It is also known as Southern Sasquatch.Over the years, the creature has been seen by countless people, including respected citizens, experienced hunters, famous musicians, and even a police officer. It has inspired several movies, most notably The Legend of Boggy Creek, which became a drive-in sensation netting nearly $25 million during its run.


Various reports between 1971 and 1974 described the creature as being a large hominid-like creature covered in long dark hair, which was estimated to be about 7 feet (2 m) tall with a weight of 300–500 pounds. Witnesses said that its chest was about 3 feet (1 m) wide.Later reports, published during the early 1980s, claimed that it was far larger, with one report describing it as 10 feet (3 m) tall, with an estimated weight of 800 pounds (360 kg).It has also been reported that the creature's body is covered with dark brown or black hairs.
Some accounts describe the Fouke Monster as running swiftly with a galloping gait and swinging its arms in a fashion similar to a monkey.Reports also describe it as having a terrible odor, the odor being described as a combination of a skunk and a wet dog, and as having bright red eyes about the size of silver dollars.
A variety of tracks and claw marks have been discovered which are claimed to belong to the creature. One set of foot prints reportedly measured 17 inches (43 cm) in length and 7 inches (18 cm) wide, while another appeared to show that the creature only had three toes.


Prior to the 20th-century reports, several reports in the general area have been tied to the Fouke Monster. The two most widely circulated reports focus on an 1851 report in the Memphis Enquirer, and an 1856 report in the Caddo Gazette.
 The first reported sightings of the "Boggy Creek" monster were in 1946, and it was seen again in 1965. But it was an alleged attack on a farmhouse near the Fouke community in 1971 that brought state and national attention to the region south of Texarkana.
Shaggy-haired, stinky and well over six-feet tall, the creature allegedly clawed its way through a screened window before the men of the house chased the creature back into the woods. Law enforcement officers were called and investigated the scene, taking casts of some strange footprints. Soon after the lawmen departed, the beast returned and was met with gunfire from the homeowners, according to reports.
In 1972, Texarkana native Charles B. Pierce produced a low-budget movie called "The Legend of Boggy Creek," which assured a place in folklore history for the Fouke Arkansas Monster. The pseudo-documentary film became a cult hit and reportedly grossed $22 million in ticket sales, mostly at drive-in theaters.
Many people believe that sighting reports of the creature stopped in the mid-1970s after the movie mayhem died down. However, the sighting reports did not halt, nor did they truly start in 1971. Sightings of a large, hairy mysterious creature in the Fouke area date back to the early 1900s and continue right up until today.


The Beast of Boggy Creek will always be a stand-out among America's spooky legends due to his movie fame, continued popularity, and modern sightings. The creature is often mentioned on television documentaries including Monsters and Mysteries in America, Finding Bigfoot, Mysteries at the Museum, MonsterQuest, Lost Tapes, and Weird Travels.

If you visit Fouke, Arkansas, just remember to keep an eye on the woods just as the sun begins to set. You never know when you just might see the legendary Beast of Boggy Creek!


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