Sunday, December 11, 2016
The Beast of Bladenboro (Vampire Beast)
The Beast of Bladenboro or the Vampire Beast is the name used for the creature responsible for a streak of deaths amongst Bladenboro, North Carolina animals in December 1954.These killings lasted probably for a week,after that the creature vanished.Today, the town even hosts a yearly Beast Feast to commemorate the event.
According to some reports, it was an animal like a bear or a panther.It was three feet long, twenty inches high, with a long tail and a cat's face.Some witnesses describe it as a big Mountain Lion.Zoologists close out it was a wildcat, but the uncertain nature of its identity lends itself to cryptozoology. It was known to most commonly decapitate its victims, which were mostly dogs.
The killings first happened on December 29, 1954, when a farmer reported that a large cat-like beast has attacked one of his dogs and dragged it to an underbrush. More killings happened on January 1 at New Years' eve, the bodies of two more dogs were discovered. These, too, had been drained of blood. Chief Fores decided it was time to call for help. A team of professional hunters was brought in from Wilmington to track down the animal. Chief Fores accompanied the tracking party and said he saw footprints "the size of a silver dollar."After that,on January 5, the Beast of Bladenboro attacked a human.
On January 6, 1954, a 21-year-old mother named Mrs. C.E. Kinlaw walked outside when she heard the sound of whimpering dogs outside of her house one morning at 7:30 am.She saw the beast stalking towards her. She screamed and ran inside the house. Her husband ran outside with a shotgun and saw the beast left cat-like paw prints. The beast fled back into the woods.
A farmer also reported a mystery creature killed three of his hogs, some of his cows, and one of his goats. The goat's head was fat and fritter. People also heard weird noises that sounded cat-like, and some that sounded like a baby crying and a woman screaming.
Locals reported seeing a creature that was part bear and part panther, it was three to four feet long, twenty inches high, weighing 150 pounds. It has brownish and tabby with bushy fur. The beast also has runty looking ears with a long tail and a cat-like face. These were the only descriptions of the Vampire Beast.
The town's police chief, Roy Fores, organized a hunt for the creature but came up empty handed. When the Mayor, W.G Fussell, told the newspapers about the creature,the town was overwhelmed with a flurry of hunters coming in, eager to bag the beast. Over 600 men from as far away as Tennessee descended on the town. A fully armed pack of fraternity brothers from UNC Chapel Hill made its way down to the town to see about putting the beast's head on their wall. Newspapers from Arizona to New York made coverages of the hunts for the beast.
Meanwhile, the town was in chaos. Children were not allowed out at night and men stormed the forests with guns trying to find the creature. After a large bobcat was killed by a hunter, Fores and Fussell put an end to the search, and after that, things started to settle down again.The hunters left town, and the reports of killings stopped coming in.
The beast returned to North Carolina in 2007, bringing more surprises and fear with it. In Lexington, 60 goats were found with their blood drained and their heads crushed. Thirty miles away in Greensboro, another farmer lost his goats in the same way.
In Bolivia, a man named Bill Robinson lost his pit bull to the creature. He buried it, but the next day it was in the same location where it was killed. Four days later, another resident, Leon Williams, found his pit bull dead, it was covered in blood and it was missing a few body parts. There was the sign of a struggle, which is strange for a pit bull. Other places lost a total amount of ten dogs in just two weeks. More tracks were found, these ones were measured 4 and a half inches in diameter.
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