
Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Beast of Bladenboro (Vampire Beast)

The Beast of Bladenboro or the Vampire Beast is the name used for the creature responsible for a streak of deaths amongst Bladenboro, North Carolina animals in December 1954.These killings lasted probably for a week,after that the creature vanished.Today, the town even hosts a yearly Beast Feast to commemorate the event.


According to some reports, it was an animal like a bear or a panther.It was three feet long, twenty inches high, with a long tail and a cat's face.Some witnesses describe it as a big Mountain Lion.Zoologists close out it was a wildcat, but the uncertain nature of its identity lends itself to cryptozoology. It was known to most commonly decapitate its victims, which were mostly dogs.


The killings first happened on December 29, 1954, when a farmer reported that a large cat-like beast has attacked one of his dogs and dragged it to an underbrush. More killings happened on January 1 at New Years' eve, the bodies of two more dogs were discovered. These, too, had been drained of blood. Chief Fores decided it was time to call for help. A team of professional hunters was brought in from Wilmington to track down the animal. Chief Fores accompanied the tracking party and said he saw footprints "the size of a silver dollar."After that,on January 5, the Beast of Bladenboro attacked a human.

On January 6, 1954, a 21-year-old mother named Mrs. C.E. Kinlaw walked outside when she heard the sound of whimpering dogs outside of her house one morning at 7:30 am.She saw the beast stalking towards her. She screamed and ran inside the house. Her husband ran outside with a shotgun and saw the beast left cat-like paw prints. The beast fled back into the woods.

A farmer also reported a mystery creature killed three of his hogs, some of his cows, and one of his goats. The goat's head was fat and fritter. People also heard weird noises that sounded cat-like, and some that sounded like a baby crying and a woman screaming.

Locals reported seeing a creature that was part bear and part panther, it was three to four feet long, twenty inches high, weighing 150 pounds. It has brownish and tabby with bushy fur. The beast also has runty looking ears with a long tail and a cat-like face. These were the only descriptions of the Vampire Beast.

The town's police chief, Roy Fores, organized a hunt for the creature but came up empty handed. When the Mayor, W.G Fussell, told the newspapers about the creature,the town was overwhelmed with a flurry of hunters coming in, eager to bag the beast. Over 600 men from as far away as Tennessee descended on the town. A fully armed pack of fraternity brothers from UNC Chapel Hill made its way down to the town to see about putting the beast's head on their wall. Newspapers from Arizona to New York made coverages of the hunts for the beast.

Meanwhile, the town was in chaos. Children were not allowed out at night and men stormed the forests with guns trying to find the creature. After a large bobcat was killed by a hunter, Fores and Fussell put an end to the search, and after that, things started to settle down again.The hunters left town, and the reports of killings stopped coming in. 

The beast returned to North Carolina in 2007, bringing more surprises and fear with it. In Lexington, 60 goats were found with their blood drained and their heads crushed. Thirty miles away in Greensboro, another farmer lost his goats in the same way.

In Bolivia, a man named Bill Robinson lost his pit bull to the creature. He buried it, but the next day it was in the same location where it was killed. Four days later, another resident, Leon Williams, found his pit bull dead, it was covered in blood and it was missing a few body parts. There was the sign of a struggle, which is strange for a pit bull. Other places lost a total amount of ten dogs in just two weeks. More tracks were found, these ones were measured 4 and a half inches in diameter.

Thursday, December 8, 2016


The Hodag is a folkloric animal of the American state of Wisconsin, referred to as a fearsome critter. Its history is focused mainly around the city of Rhinelander in northern Wisconsin, where it was said to have been discovered.


The legend was born in the year 1893,when newspapers reported the discovery of a hodag in Rhinelander, Wisconsin. It had  "the head of a frog, the grinning face of a giant elephant, thick and strong stout legs set off by huge claws, the back of a dinosaur, and a long tail with spears at the end". The reports were instigated by well-known Wisconsin land surveyor, timber cruiser and prankster Eugene Shepard, who rounded up a group of local people to capture the animal.The group reported that they needed to use dynamite to kill the beast.

A photograph of the remains of the charred beast was released to the media. It was "the fiercest, strangest, most frightening monster ever to set razor sharp claws on the earth. It became extinct after its main food source, all white bulldogs, became scarce in the area."

The Hodag had been a popular topic around the campfires of lumberjacks for as long as anyone could remember. The lumberjacks claimed the Hodag monster was the living embodiment of deceased lumber oxen, filled with rage and hatred towards mankind for forcing upon them an enslaved existence during their previous life.


Eugene Shepard claimed to have captured another Hodag in 1896, and this one was captured alive. He displayed this Hodag at the first Oneida County fair. Thousands of people came to see the Hodag at the fair or at Shepard's display in a shanty at his house. Having connected wires to it, Shepard would occasionally move the creature, which would typically send the already-skittish viewers fleeing the display.

As newspapers locally, statewide, and then nationally began picking up the story of the apparently remarkable, living creature, a small group of scientists from the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C. announced they would be traveling to Rhinelander to inspect the apparent discovery. Their mere announcement spelled the end, as Shepard was then forced to admit that the Hodag was a hoax, , but even then it continued to be a successful attraction. The creature was nothing more than a carved stump, cattle horns, and a few attached wires to create movement.


By the 1920s Shepard and his Hodags were known throughout the entire region and had postcards of the beast circulating the entire country. The town of Rhinelander would eventually become famous as the Hodag City, a nickname that the citizens were very proud of and still treasure to this day.
Though the Hodag may not have ever existed, it was due, in part, to Shepard's crazy hoax that Rhinelander became the booming city that it is today. His concoction brought a mass of people to a community striving for growth in a time of economic decline, and for that Rhinelander will forever be in debt to Eugene Shepard and his legendary Hodag.

Hodag's Sculpture

The Hodag became the official symbol of Rhinelander, Wisconsin.It is the mascot of Rhinelander High School and lends its name to numerous Rhinelander area businesses and organizations. The city of Rhinelander's website calls Rhinelander "The Home of the Hodag." A larger-than-life fiberglass sculpture of the Hodag, created by a local artist, resides on the grounds of the Rhinelander Area Chamber of Commerce where it draws thousands of visitors each year. The Hodag also lends its name and image to the Hodag Country Festival.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Lambton Worm

The Lambton Worm is a legendary creature from North East England.The myth takes place around the River Wear near County Durham.It is one of the most prominent myth of the area, having been adapted from written and oral traditions into pantomime and song formats.


The story states that the young John Lambton was a rebellious character who missed his duties to go fishing in the River Wear. John Lambton does not catch anything until the time the church service finishes , at which point he fishes out a small eel- or lamprey-like creature with nine holes on each side of its salamander-like head. Depending on the version of the story the worm is no bigger than a thumb, or about 3 feet long. At this point, John declares that he has caught a demon and decides to dispose of his catch by dumping it down a nearby well. A local old man then issues warnings about the nature of the beast. John then forgets about the creature and eventually grows up. As a penance for his rebellious early years, he joins the crusades. Eventually, the worm grows extremely large and the well becomes poisonous. The villagers start to notice livestock going missing and discover that the fully-grown worm has emerged from the well and coiled itself around a local hill.

In some versions of the story the hill is Penshaw Hill, that on which the Penshaw Monument now stands, but locally the credit goes to the nearby Worm Hill, in Fatfield. In most versions of the story, the worm is large enough to wrap itself around the hill 7 times. It is said that one can still see the marks of the worm on Worm Hill. The worm terrorizes the nearby villages, eating sheep, preventing cows from producing milk and snatching away small children. It then heads towards Lambton Castle where the Lord (John Lambton's aged father) manages to sedate the creature in what becomes a daily ritual of offering the worm, milk of nine good cows, twenty gallons, or a filled wooden/stone trough. A number of brave villagers try to slaughter the beast but are quickly dispatched. When a chunk is cut off the worm it simply reattaches the missing piece. Visiting knights also try to assault the beast but none survive. When annoyed the worm would uproot trees by coiling its tail around them. It then created devastation by waving around the uprooted trees like a club.

After seven years, John Lambton returns from the Crusades to find his father's estates almost destitute because of the worm. John decides to fight it, but first seeks the guidance of a wise woman or witch near Durham.

The witch hardens John's resolution to kill the beast by explaining his responsibility for the worm. She tells him to cover his armor in spearheads and fight the worm in the River Wear, where it now spends its days wrapped around a great rock. The witch also tells John that after killing the worm he must then kill the first living thing he sees, or else his family will be cursed for nine generations and will not die in their beds.

John prepares his armor according to the witch's instructions and arranges with his father that, when he has killed the worm, he will sound his hunting horn three times. On this signal, his father is to release his favorite hound so that it will run to John, who can then kill the dog and thus avoid the curse.

John Lambton then fights the worm by the river. The worm tries to crush him, wrapping him in its coils, but it cuts itself on his armor's spikes, the pieces of the worm fall into the river, and are washed away before they can join up again . Eventually, the worm is dead and John sounds his hunting horn three times.

Unfortunately, John's father is so excited that the beast is dead that he forgets to release the hound and rushes out to congratulate his son. John cannot bear to kill his father and so, after they meet, the hound is released and dutifully dispatched. But it is too late and nine generations of Lambtons are cursed so they shall not die peacefully in their beds. That is how the story ends. This curse affect to nine generation of Lambton. This curse seems to have held true for at least three generations, possibly helping to contribute to the popularity of the story.

1st generation: Robert Lambton, drowned at Newrig.
2nd: Sir William Lambton, a Colonel of Foot, killed at Marston Moor.
3rd: William Lambton, died in battle at Wakefield.
9th: Henry Lambton, died in his carriage crossing Lambton Bridge on June 26, 1761.


Some parts of the story are rooted in reality. Though the present Lambton Castle in County Durham did not exist at the time of the legend, is seems likely that a Lambton estate has been at the same location for several centuries. The castle, in its present form, was built byJohn George Lambton, the first Earl of Durham, in the early 19th century. During that period the Lambton family made a lot of money from the coal mining business and put it into reconstructing the castle. Ironically, the castle suffered substantial damage when the very coal mines that had paid for it collapsed underneath the structure in the 1930's.

Lambton Castle as it appeared in the 19th century.

The river Wear, where John Lambton supposedly caught the monster, does really run through Durham County. The hill mentioned in the legend as the creatures resting place is said to be either Penshaw Hill or Worm Hill. Penshaw Hill, which is topped by a replica of a Greek doric temple built to honor the first Earl of Durham, is often pictured in modern drawings of the worm. This is an anachronism, as the temple wasn't built until 1844, several centuries after the legendary monster was dead. More likely the actual hill involved in the story is Worm Hill located several miles away. It is said that for several years afterward the marks the worm made while wrapped around that hill could be seen by those passing by.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Ayia Napa Sea Monster

The Ayia Napa Sea Monster is a cryptid, claimed to inhabit the coast of Ayia Napa in Cyprus, a popular tourist resort on the Mediterranean.This giant sea monster has plagued the waters of Ayia Napa for years. The best evidence for this creature is the countless amount of people who claimed to have seen it. Most sightings occur around Cape Greco (Cavo Greko). It is known by the local fishermen as "To Filiko Teras", which translates as "The Friendly Monster". There have been no reports of it causing any harm, although it has been reported at times to rip and drag away fishing nets. There have been countless sightings of the "Creature from the Depths", with some local newspapers calling the mystery the "Cyprus Loch Ness". It has been speculated to be something like a crocodile or serpent.It’s lower body is that of a serpent, and has six snarling dog heads attached to it.

Many believers of the myth of the Ayia Napa Sea Monster link it with the common mythical sea monster of Greek mythology called Scylla, which is depicted in the mosaics that remain in the House of Dionysus, a Roman villa from the 2nd century AD in Paphos, Cyprus. Many ancient authorities describe it as a monstrous form of a giant maiden in torso, with a serpent for its lower body, having six snarling dog-heads issuing from its midriff, including their twelve forelimbs. This is the form described by Gaius Julius Hyginus, the Bibliotheca and the Suda, among so many others, and it is this form most often depicted on vase paintings. According to a description from Hyginus, a Latin author,actually it possessed “more heads than the vase-painters could paint”and, whoever encountered it was killed almost instantaneously.

Government officials have started an expedition to search the monster. The hope of spotting the Ayia Napa Sea Monster remains a highlight for many tourists. Many hotels boast to being close to sightings. There is no possible link to any such sea monster and any monster said to be living in Kouris Dam, which according to reports are more likely to be crocodiles that had been kept as pets but unlawfully released.